The View From The Kitchen Floor
There’s always a brief moment when the shots ring out when you wonder ‘is that really gunfire, or is it just firecrackers?’ This time, that moment of hesitation was shattered by the second round of fire. So I spent a good five minutes on the kitchen floor, on the basis that it’s the one room in the house that’s equally distant from both roads, meaning that any bullets would have to travel through several walls before they got to me. The joys of living in a country with insane gun laws.
Anyway, back home in the UK for ten days! Tomorrow there will be an exciting adventure in Tesco (where I will, at 38 years old, race a proper, free-axis trolley around the shop like a crazy person), Star Wars later in the week, all building up to FESTIVE FESTIVE FESTIVE at the weekend! Providing my sister doesn’t kill me beforehand…