Low-Key Kidnapping
Really, I should probably have realized something was up when I mentioned I was going across the road to get some more Diet Coke, and instead they scoured the office to find some cans lying around. Or maybe the look on everybody’s faces when I reminded them that I was scheduled to be flying out that evening…right about the time they were planning their push to production.
The low-key kidnapping, as it was described, began a short while after. Flights cancelled, hotel rearranged, and I ended up buying underwear in a Manhattan drug store at 11pm. 2017, everybody.
While almost every waking moment up to Friday morning was spent focused on work, I did manage to knock out my first entry in a Kaggle competition whilst waiting for planes in RDU and Charlotte yesterday. Even nicer, my PyTorch implementation of a ResNet50 classifier for dog breeds is currently sitting at #1 on the leaderboard. It likely won’t be there for long, but still, not bad for an afternoon’s work!
As it’s now October, I’m making plans for Thanksgiving meals and Christmas chocolates…and I guess I need to book that December flight home sooner rather than later…