Blackcurrants RIP

Just before I left for St. Louis last week, I attempted to trim the hedges down at the far edge of the vast expanse that is my back garden (okay, it’s not that big, but there’s a lot of grass, trees, bushes, and apparently snakes. I would prefer a large quantity of concrete).

Now, I thought it didn’t go too badly, considering it was the first time I ever used a hedge trimmer. I kept all my fingers and the hedges were cut back enough that they wouldn’t interfere with people waiting by the bus stop.

However, my neighbour across the road had other ideas. He’d been keeping an eye on the people that had been cutting my grass for the last couple of weeks and said that he didn’t think they were doing a good job. He was willing to cut the grass and also cut back the hedges a bit more.

Fine, I thought. It might be nice to have some one who knows what they’re doing to tidy up my hedge trimming. I went off to St. Louis Sunday, coming back late on Thursday night. While I was making the celebratory ‘returning home’ cup of tea1, I looked out the window.

The hedges were gone. Not just trimmed, but cut down and ripped out.

Hurrah! One fewer thing to worry about in the back garden. He’s coming around for the tree next to the kitchen next week.

Unfortunately, there was a casualty in the hedge-felling. My illicit blackcurrants were mistaken for weeds. So they are no longer with me. Sadness.2

Today? Well, today I’m heading to St. Louis again. This time, I hope to see a little of the city itself…

  1. I am nothing but a stereotype. [return]
  2. There is a long-term plan for blackcurrants, but I’m not at liberty to speak of it just yet. [return]