My Week In Lists (extended disco remix)

  1. The Blue Note Grill is quite nice!
  2. Three hours around Home Depot is about two beyond my limit.
  3. All Things Open is basically a giant Triangle Tech get together, isn’t it?
  4. Cambodia apparently has British plugs (among others).
  5. I don’t think I’ve slept properly for four weeks now.
  6. You’re not going to win a one-upping contest by referencing your Salford grandmother in front of two people from Liverpool. (the server in Beasley’s was not on a winning streak that night, sadly)
  7. Giving directions and trying to help everybody navigate an unfamiliar menu goes so much better when you haven’t had your pupils dilated.
  8. (But Taco Nacos is pretty awesome and you should go there)
  9. On a similar front, True Flavors was pretty good, too!
  10. Friday night in Durham was strangely subdued - a count of five in James Joyce at times.
  11. I now have three working showers! Heavens above!
  12. You can have a lot of fun with a clown mask in the middle of the day.
  13. It took me four years to find the local dump.
  14. I forgot to take people to Monuts!
  15. It’s a bit quieter in the house tonight…