Spot Instances With Ansible
Mar 25, 2014 · 5 minute readansibleawsec2spot instances
One of my favourite new technologies of the moment is Ansible. It’s the new kid on the block alongside stalwarts like Puppet or Chef, but it wants to do more with less. Both Puppet or Chef are great for configuration management, but take some getting used to if you’re a sysadmin coming across them for the first time. In addition, they require extra servers, extra overhead on the servers that they maintain configuration, and you still might find yourself resorting to cluster ssh in order to send a command to a bunch of servers there and then. In addition, you’ll often find Puppet or Chef shops using a different tool for application deployment (Capistrano for Rails, Fabric for Django). Ansible is a step back in some ways, but steps forward in others. It sidesteps the declarative model of Puppet, and abandons the idea of running agents on servers; instead, everything runs over standard SSH (and for those of you sceptical that SSH can scale on that front, Rackspace is currently using Ansible across tens of thousands of virtual machines). In addition, workflows like orchestration, deployment, and ad-hoc commands to groups of servers are all present and fully supported. It’s a great tool for the devops basket.
Ansible is still pretty new (it’s just about to celebrate its second birthday), but is coming along at a fast and furious pace and is ready for production right now. Indeed, development is so active that many simply track the GitHub repo rather than waiting for the point releases. One of the features I’ve been looking froward to landing is the ability to create spot instances in the Amazon cloud. It was merged into the main branch just under two weeks ago and while it’ll be available in Ansible 1.6, it’s ready for use today with a handy git pull
Here’s a stripped-down playbook (the equivalent of a Puppet manifest or Chef recipe) that launches a number of spot instances at a specified price (spot_count and spot_price are passed in on the command-line using the extra-vars
- name: Spin up spot instances
connection: local
- name: create {{ "{{ spot_count " }}}} spot instances with spot_price of ${{ "{{ spot_price " }}}}
module: ec2
region: us-west-2
spot_price: '{{ "{{ spot_price " }}}}'
spot_wait_timeout: 180
keypair: example-keypair
instance_type: t1.micro
image: ami-ccf297fc
wait: yes
group: test-group
count: '{{ "{{ spot_count " }}}}'
register: ec2
- name: Tag instances
local_action: ec2_tag resource={{ }} region=us-west-2 state=present
with_items: ec2.instances
Spot: '{{ "{{ spot_price " }}}}'
As you can see, it’s pretty straightforward. The hosts/connections preamble makes sure that the following commands run on my local box instead of a remote machine, and then we get into the list of tasks that need to be performed (Ansible takes the approach that tasks are run in the order they’re specified. Which seems obvious, but if you’re coming in from the Puppet/Chef world, you may have already just cried a huge sigh of relief).
Anyway, onto the tasks themselves. The first creates the spot requests. Ansible takes a ‘batteries included’ approach, supplying a boatload of modules that do everything from running shell commands to altering hardware routers. Here, we’re using the ec2
module to talk to Amazon Web Services. The options passed into the module should make sense if you’re familiar with the AWS setup; we need to specify a region where our instances will live (Oregon/us-west-2 in this example), our instance_type (we’re being cheap and using micro instances), security groups, AMI image (just using the stock Amazon Linux AMI) and the SSH keypair. We also set our suggested spot price and how many instances we would like, and we do that by using Ansible’s templating functions; the ‘{{ }}’ sections ensure that our variables that we specify on the command-line will be filled into the right place at run-time. We also need a waiting period to be set, as AWS won’t fulfill the request instantly, so we’re waiting three minutes to get our machines or else we’ll terminate.
Assuming that our spot request bid succeeds, the ec2 module will return information back to Ansible about the instances that have been created. We capture that information with the register: ec2
line, and then use it in our next task, which tags the newly-created instances with the spot price we used to create them (as you can imagine, the chaining of output from the previous task into further tasks is a very useful feature that reoccurs throughout Ansible’s design).
And here’s the output from running this play:
$ ansible-playbook spot.yml -i spot.ini --extra-vars "spot_price=0.005 spot_count=2"
PLAY [Spin up spot instances] *************************************************
GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: []
TASK: [create 2 spot instances with spot_price of $0.005] *********************
changed: []
TASK: [Tag instances] *********************************************************
changed: [] => (item={u'kernel': u'aki-fc8f11cc', u'root_device_type': u'ebs', u'private_dns_name': u'', u'public_ip': u'', u'private_ip': u'', u'id': u'i-f51760fd', u'state': u'running', u'virtualization_type': u'paravirtual', u'architecture': u'x86_64', u'ramdisk': None, u'key_name': u'housepi', u'image_id': u'ami-ccf297fc', u'public_dns_name': u'', u'state_code': 16, u'placement': u'us-west-2c', u'ami_launch_index': u'0', u'dns_name': u'', u'region': u'us-west-2', u'launch_time': u'2014-03-23T18:44:12.000Z', u'instance_type': u't1.micro', u'root_device_name': u'/dev/sda1', u'hypervisor': u'xen'})
changed: [] => (item={u'kernel': u'aki-fc8f11cc', u'root_device_type': u'ebs', u'private_dns_name': u'', u'public_ip': u'', u'private_ip': u'', u'id': u'i-bb1661b3', u'state': u'running', u'virtualization_type': u'paravirtual', u'architecture': u'x86_64', u'ramdisk': None, u'key_name': u'housepi', u'image_id': u'ami-ccf297fc', u'public_dns_name': u'', u'state_code': 16, u'placement': u'us-west-2c', u'ami_launch_index': u'0', u'dns_name': u'', u'region': u'us-west-2', u'launch_time': u'2014-03-23T18:44:12.000Z', u'instance_type': u't1.micro', u'root_device_name': u'/dev/sda1', u'hypervisor': u'xen'})
PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0
If I look at my EC2 console afterwards, these instances are up and running, plus they have the spot price tagged as requested. From here, the instances can be provisioned further; installing databases, webservers, and so on; adding them to load balancers, updating DNS entries - pretty much anything you would do manually can be automated with Ansible in a sensible manner. With no agents or fiddly PKI management. Hurrah!
Some other great things about Ansible: firstly, they’re very welcoming towards new contributors (indeed, the play I described above uncovered a small bug in the ec2 module in regards to how it handled instance counts - I fixed the bug, made a pull request, and it was merged into master before the day was out). And, for all you hipsters out there, the Ansible company is located in downtown Durham. So it’s not just an automation system, it’s a local automation system.