On The Road
Dec 21, 2012 · 1 minute readashevilledrivingno scooter
This post is coming live from the I-40 on the way to Asheville! Fancy, I know. The previous post was a test of my new workflow, which involves Dropbox, a private VPS instance, and the ever-handy RSync. It’s been a but harder writing updates on the go since I switched from Movable Type to Jekyll, but I now have enough things patched together with sticky-back plastic and string that it should work. And then next year, I’ll be moving this site away from Dreamhost, which will allow me to simplify things a bit again.
Anyway, almost Christmas! I’m off to see gingerbread houses in Asheville, after spending the week delivering chocolates and caramels for Fallout Durham. We had a fair few orders! Thanks to everybody who ordered something - we hope to be ramping up production in the new year, now that we have the amazing tempering machine of awesomeness. It takes all the misery out of making chocolate!
Okay, thirty miles to Asheville. Gingerbread updates tomorrow. Maybe with Flickr embeds. Old school is the new school