AA173 And Blushing
Apr 18, 2011 · 2 minute readdurhamassassinsupper-middle-class familiesshe's from sri lankano really, shouldn't you put a top on?
Okay, so today, I’ve learnt two things. One, assassin films are immensely improved by the addition of a stereotype upper-middle class Britain family on holiday, and two: I am incapable of traveling light. I left two 60 gallon boxes filled back at Maplewood (yes, American gallon, but still, that’s quite a lot!), but somehow I was over the baggage limit. I avoided paying extra by the curious idea of taking fondant as part of my carry-on luggage. Cue lots of strange looks as I tried to explain what fondant was used for, and why, despite looking like plastique, it is actually a quite pleasant vanilla flavour. Though for all I know, plastique could come in an assortment of flavourings. I like the cilantro-lime version, myself. Nothing else quite says “STICK IT TO THE MAN/AMERICA/ISRAEL/OTHER” with citrus overtones.
I am also fully aware that typing away on an iPad 2, complete with Carolina Blue smart cover makes me the worst type of passenger. I’m waiting for somebody to one-up me my pulling out a 64Gb 3G version. But for now, I AM GEEKIEST ON THE PLANE!
time passes. again
One note for flying on the plane: Yes, having an iPad is fun and gives you lots more options over the plane’s entertainment options (especially if you’re on a 767-300 with overhanging televisions instead of the 777 you used to fly on. CURSE YOU, AA!). However, the danger in watching episodes of Skins on the flight is that people sitting next to you will always look over your shoulder at the exact moment a sex scene comes on. Or just when girls are wandering around with pretty much nothing else. Yes, you’re not watching porn. It’s a popular TV show! Yet you’ll somehow still feel rather awkward.