Democracy At Work

“We would never suggest that he appeals to the Supreme Court and get Party allies to issue a one-time only court decision that hands him power. That would just be wrong.”

Meanwhile, back in PrimaryLand, things are starting to get interesting (honest!). If only in the Republican contest, where Mike Huckabee’s recent surge in the polls threatens to make next year’s Republican Party Convention a rather enticing affair (and not just to see if Zell Miller tries to attack Chris Matthews again). The basic theory is supposedly this: Giuliani can’t win the New Hampshire, Iowa or South Carolina primaries, so he’s already pretty much ceded them to Romney. Instead, he intends to pick up enough delegates to secure the nomination on Super Duper Tuesday (you really need Mario to shout that). Now, this is a common gambit in primaries, and it also has a common outcome: total, laughable failure. However, there’s so many states taking part in the 5 February elections that it might just be possible this time around. But if Huckabee manages to take a few off him (and Giuliani can’t be helped by this week’s revelations about his creative accounting during his time as Mayor), we could have a floor fight. Which would be fun. Meanwhile, Ron Paul continues to fool the libertarian wing of Slashdot and Digg to part with their money, and for this he is to be applauded.

(Interlude: Hey, Guess What? The Traitorous Left Was Right Again!)

On the other side, it’s a little more pedestrian. Hillary Clinton seems to be unstoppable, but then, so was Howard Dean back in 2004, and look what happened to him. My ideal pairing would be Clinton/Obama. A woman and a black man! And they’ll throw in Bill Clinton as the first First Husband as well! How could they possibly lose? As long as somebody stops the South from voting…

(Back here, it’s faintly amusing to see Labour running the Tory 1992-1997 term at 5x speed, but I’m not looking forward to the punchline at the end this time around…)

currently playing: ABC – All of My Heart