Taking One For The Team: Coke Plus Edition

Coke Plus

It says that it includes green tea. Which means that the bright spark that came up with Coke Blãk must still be with the company. They’ve obviously got good blackmail material on the CEO.

Diet Coke Plus (antioxidant) is a mixture of normal Diet Coke, green tea, and 175% of your recommended daily amount of Vitamin C (if you manage to finish an entire bottle). It’s healthy! Much better than pesky orange juice!

I know what you’re wondering - how does it taste? Hrm. Bizarrely, it seems to taste like carbonated flat cola, if such a thing could exist. That might be the tea taking the edge of the usual flavour, I guess. On the bright side, it didn’t make me want to go down to Atlanta with a shotgun like the Coke Blãk experience…

(some time later)

But there’s still enough of an unpleasant aftertaste to make finishing a full bottle a chore. But I managed two-thirds! That has to count for something! At least I’ve had a lot of vitamin C!

currently playing: Plus-Tech Squeeze Box – milk tea