
Perhaps I’ve mentioned this before, but the thing about RTD’s writing on Who is that it’s often so slipshod. Though he’s a dab had with the little moments between characters, for him, plot only exists to get him to the final ten minutes of the episode, where he explodes with enthusiasm and hopes that it’ll leave on such a high that you’ll forget that the previous 35 minutes were a bit poor.

Switch the ending on Utopia to a standard episode (e.g., Yana is an alien in disguise who is sending the humans to their doom, the Futurekind are the real humans, etc.) and it would have been the worst episode of Series 3 (29! 29! Too nerdy?). But oh, those last ten minutes…

I’m still not sure about the Yana = You Are Not Alone link. It feels like another one of Russell Davies’s too cute gags - why would The Master call himself that? Unless the Doctor’s ‘sorry’ meant a little more than we expect. Captain Jack is so, so much better away from Torchwood. We like this one! The happy-go-lucky, kissing-the-assistants-and-chatting-up-blue-aliens Jack rather than Angel-Jack! Take note, Torchwood!

So, Who nerds: What happened to The Master after the end of the Movie?

Excited about the next two episodes (although amusingly, I’m not going to be here for the final one, dammit!); it’s the first time that the Who team has actually made a story arc work, as opposed to just repeating a word or two over and over for eleven episodes…

But please…next series, can we get through an episode without mentioning her name? Please?

currently playing: Bob Dylan – It’s all over now, Baby Blue