Oh Captain, My Captain

I didn’t talk too much last week about Civil War, Frontline, and Mark Millar’s continued insistence that ‘the right side won’ in the recent Marvel crossover. Personally, I think that Millar’s lying through his teeth; on the side of ‘right’ is somebody who’s an arms dealer, who has lied about his identity, faked his death, disabled SHIELD technology, allowed super-villains to escape from a secure prison, mindwiped the world, and, oh, yes, while under the influence of Immortus killed two people allied to the Avengers. On the side of ‘wrong’ is the guy who punched Hitler in the jaw.

In Frontline, we’re told that the reason that Cap’s side was in the wrong was because he doesn’t know about MySpace (yes, really), and is thus out of touch with America. In the same issue, it’s revealed that Iron Man was behind the Atlantean assassination, has been dabbling with insider-trading to bolster his fortune, and, yes, well, there’s the matter of assembling a superhero group with The Green Goblin and Venom on it.

So I don’t believe Millar. What I do think is that they’re saying all this right now in order to make the fans look forward to this year’s World War Hulk and hope that the Hulk trashes Stark’s little tin body (Iron Man and a few other heroes sent Hulk into space last year to protect Earth. Unfortunately, he conquers the planet that he lands on, and is currently on his way back…).

This all brings us to today’s news and the publication of Captain America #25. Is Cap dead? I think not, given all the technology in the MU. What it does do is get him out of the way for a little while so he can talk Hulk down after he’s wrecked half of the planet. Unless the good Captain gets addicted to MySpace, of course…

currently playing: Idlewild – No Emotion