Reader, I Married Him


I have an iPod Video, as expected. It was a particularly gruelling day at the mall, one which eventually saw me return some stuff the next day, such was my guilty conscience (not assuaged one little bit by getting my copy of The Complete New Yorker in the post, either). But I have it now, and it is very shiny. Oh yes. I justify it to myself by thinking that I was about to hit the limit on my old 40Gb model, and the exchange rate is so good right now that it would be silly to pass it up. At least that’s how I sleep at night.

Then, after a brief stop for EVIL, Christa, Collin, and myself headed over to Wyatt’s again to help drink up some of the excess alcohol from the New Year party (but not before I was placed in the proverbial rock and hard place concerning a few issues). Which was fun, yet I do wish I wasn’t quite so much of a wallflower.

Anyway, today, a chance meeting and heartbreak for Christa concerning the opening times of a pizza restaurant, back to the mall to return a pair of trousers, and now about to get ready for the return of Nikki and Danny! Hopefully, fun will be had!

Thoughts so far: I know it’s supposed to be respectful, but there’s something disturbing about the flags at half-mast outside Wal-Mart and McDonalds.

Thought 2: Chapel Hill Massage has a ‘help wanted’ sign on its front door. Oh my…

currently playing: Regina Spektor — Fidelity