It's On and Offable, But Mostly Off
Jul 23, 2006 · 2 minute readLast month, I crowed about my shiny new MacBook. Somehow, I managed to avoid the excessive whining, the warping of the case, and the rather nasty-discolouration problem that plagued the first ones off the production line.
I thought that I had escaped the Revision A Curse. I was wrong. Obviously. When my machine switched itself off when ripping a CD at the start of the week, I was a little concerned, but thought it was just a kernel panic rather than a hardware problem. As the week progressed, though, it kept on turning itself off, leading up to a fun evening where it would start booting and then switch off repeatedly during the boot sequence. This was fixed by zapping the Power Management Unit, fixing the problem for a few hours, or until the morning. Somewhat worried, I had a look at the Apple Discussion Forums to see if anybody had been experiencing similar problems. And it seems to be plaguing a lot of people. Even more worryingly, Apple don’t really have a fix yet. Still, I called AppleCare, spent an hour on an 0870 number, and eventually managed to get them to admit that they’ll need to take it in for repair. It’s back to the G4 for the next couple of weeks, while they replace the logic board or the entire machine. sigh I had quite settled into Tiger and Intel…