Don't Forget To Salt The Bones
Jul 11, 2006 · 1 minute readToday, Microsoft finally plunged the stake through the heart of a most-likely illegal tying of two products designed to kill off superior competitors, at last killing the DOS bloodline. It took four months to write, but the terrible legacy of QDOS has hung over the personal computer industry ever since. It may be fifteen years too late, but Microsoft has realised that a security model is actually quite useful. And hey, they’ve also remembered that they have a web browser! And they’re going to fix it! You’d think Firefox might have a 15% share of the browser market in America or something.
Let’s not celebrate too soon, though. There’s still millions of copies of Windows 98 and the horrific Windows Me (even Microsoft disowns that mess) out there on the Internet, ready to become zombies in the botnets that circle the globe. Thanks, Microsoft. Really. Moving on? Why not skip off the Microsoft treadmill? Apple’s treadmill is shinier, but they make you pay for it, while Ubuntu is not quite as flash, but costs as much as a blank CD…