Ian, I'm In Virginia. No, really.
Jul 21, 2005 · 2 minute readAh, Collin. Life is so much weirder with him around. Or even when he’s not, as suggested by the title of today’s entry.
So, to sum up: HOT, but alive. I do have entries written on paper for Atlanta, which I will endeavour to get typed up in the next couple of days. Just to be confusing, though, I’ll be posting them during the dates of last week, to plug up the big gap for future readers. I’ll post links to them at the top of the blog when they’re up so you don’t miss them (I know, you’re all on tenterhooks concerning my thoughts on the Atlanta public transport system). Anyway, I’m in Chapel Hill. Portland was good fun, if a little short. Lovely trains and buses criss-crossing the city, a fabulous book store (yay Powells!) that I could live in if only they provided beds, wonderful waterfalls outside the city, and a lovely tour-guide who made sure I got to see everything and have a good time while doing so. Hurrah for Portland, then. Chapel Hill is, of course, much the same as before; a few places have closed, some new shops have appeared, and the Southpoint Mall is currently getting a new Super Target. The campus is under construction awaiting the new students of 2005, and it’s hot. Really hot. Even the residents are complaining about the heat, so I don’t feel too bad about dying when walking outside. Still to come! More wanderings, pictures of Chapel Hill, Atlanta and Portland, plus a Refreshers bar stuck to the front page of the blog (warning: perhaps a lie).