Pardon Me While I Warm Up My Futurephone

It’s not often that I get to come over all Warren Ellis (not enough goth camgirls or being a bitter, smoking, wise-cracking cynic with an optimistic heart, for a start), but just to announce to the world, or about ten people:

I will be attending LinuxTag 2005 on June 22 and 23, giving a talk on making DVDs with Linux at 1700 on the 23rd. There’s a book you can buy as well! But it’s in German. My final proof looks pretty, but they could have replaced all my text with traffic directions and I’d be none the wiser (unless they went over crossroads, as it’s one of the few German words I remember).

So yes. Me. Germany. Later this month. Stammering my way through a lecture. Woo-hoo!

currently playing: Sleater-Kinney – Steep Air