Poor Old Johnny Ray
Oct 31, 2004 · 2 minute readNo pumpkin carving yesterday. Oh well. When Ms. Hirst rose from her slumber and rushed off to work, I went to meet up with Srav and Stacie. We spent the afternoon eating and watching Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, which thankfully was as good as I remember it being. Then, off to Harris Teeter because I couldn’t be bothered to go eat somewhere, and to try and find a pumpkin. Luckily, I couldn’t find any; I was sad on the way back to Laura’s, but then it occurred to me that I had no idea how I was going to carry a huge pumpkin over a distance two miles without looking stupid or needing a half-hour shower afterwards.
Laura spent the first part of the night talking to me at an angle; she couldn’t look directly at my macaraed and glittered face without cracking up. Tsh. Although she did say that I did a decent job with the mascara (my first attempt!). And then laughed some more. The dance itself was fun; lots of good costumes, great music (and dodgy stuff too, but of course), and it even overran by half-an-hour. Hurrah! There then followed a brief tour of Wal-Mart at 2am, so Laura could get hold of some hair dye for her costume tonight, and for the pair of us to look very strange on the security tapes. An original way to end a lovely night out. (This morning? Helping apply tattoos, being second opinion on dyeing issues, and decorating the apartment in a spooky fashion…)