They're Addicted To Links, They Know They're Toxic

Well, gee, Ralph, perhaps someone took him aside and explained what would happen if you managed to become President (do you really think you’d get anything done with a Congress that is wholly united against you? If you want to break the two-party system, then you have to build a new party. But you don’t seem to be interested in that for some reason).

Time Crisis — but in Flash!

The films that Could Have Been.

This year's geekiest copyright violation!

What's that smell? (I can't remember smelling bad things when I was there last, but it was a while ago))

Anyone for socks?

No link, but I'm amused by people who say that the suffragettes weren't hardcore feminists (I'm sure that some of the opponents back then would have begged to differ).

currently playing: The Jackson Five — I Want You Back