The Telephone Bill That Refuses To Be Paid

I’m now on my third attempt. It seems that American cheques are just different enough to create confusion in just where I’m supposed to sign, so they’ve helpfully sent the cheque back, and realising that I’ve already got it wrong twice, circled where they think the signature should be.

There was a reason why they got rid of all the different flavours of Kryptonite in 1986 - they were fun at first, but soon became an obvious crutch that writers relied on all too often. Smallville hasn’t learnt that lesson, dragging out a by-the-numbers Red Kryptonite story early in the new season. Predictable and insipid. And I resent the hyping of the soundtrack afterwards, which gives the impression that the WB are selling music spots on the show.

Fall Break begins tomorrow. I plan to celebrate with work and revision. Although I do have a 400W power supply on order, so I might try to upgrade my computer again at the weekend. Hopefully it’ll go a bit smoother than last time. I’ve also ordered my plane ticket for home - I’ll be back on December 18th, and staying until January 7th. I will obviously expect Bicester to have undergone huge changes in my absence…

currently playing: Beth Orton - Carmella