- I promise I will stop with the list format soon.
- My luggage had a desire to see Chicago.
- Target sells all you need in a hurry, but don't ask for two keys cut in Lowe's.
- Hurrah for bears and their blackboards.
- I would never eat anything made on Iron Chef.
- As Laura said a few days ago, Chapel Hill is a bubble; you could be forgiven for thinking that Kerry is running unopposed here. "Oh, George Bush is running as well? That's nice. Could you be me a hand with this Kerry billboard?"
- I always scare Sarah Miller when I turn up again.
- I am still trying to remember just where I could have met the girl who said she remembered me last night.
- Listening ti The Clash at full blast when entering Carrboro is a wonderful feeling.
- I will never know what the people at Found Magazine found, but I did have a fun evening with Stacie and Naomi, and Collin, Rachel, and Laura when they eventually showed up.
- Cats are very cute.
- The comic shop is even better than it was before; they've improved the layout, got more trade paperbacks in stock, and they're having a rolling sale of back issues which will see them priced at 10% of their original value on Sunday. If it wasn't for that pesky weight allowance…
- If you're offered a shop on Franklin Street, you can't run away fast enough. Even if it's a major chain, you'll still probably be out within a year or two.
- My feet hurt.