Arr! New Music, Me Hearties!

Shiver me timbers! Here be new music, landlubbers!
  • Snow PatrolHow To Be Dead

    The first track from their new album, Final Straw. Imagine, if you will, Sebadoh with Scottish accents. Something that I think we should all embrace. Unless you're Lou Barlow, of course, in which case you might be a bit miffed.

  • Towa Tei ft. Kylie MinogueGerman Bold Italic

    Personally, I blame Paul Morley. He mentioned this track in Words and Music; I thought he was joking, but no, it does exist. Kylie sings about being a font. Yes. Gut ja!

  • Stellastarr*Jenny

    The American rediscovery of New Wave continues apace. And the singer sounds a little like Kevin Rowland, which is again something that should be encouraged in this day and age.

  • and speaking of the Devil...

  • Dexy's Midnight RunnersManhood

    They're back. Reformed, recording, and touring. This is a specially-recorded new track ("cynical addition to force old fans to buy a package of old songs" — Ed.) from their upcoming greatest hits collection. Not the best song that they've ever made, but I like it, and I hope you do too.

Yo-ho-ho! Now that you've seen me booty, me hearties, I be setting sail once more! Us gentlemen of fortune cannot dally for mere trifles! Yarrr! We be travelling over thar! Hoist the jolly roger, you scurvy dogs!

currently playing: The Pretenders - Don't Get Me Wrong