The Little Storm That Could

My favourite part of the Isabel coverage is the newscasters getting indigent about the people remaining behind. "Don't they know it's dangerous? That they're putting the medical and fire agencies at risk by being here?" they say, replete with full camera crews and heavy equipment. It's not as if getting pictures from the centre of a hurricane is particularly newsworthy, although I admit, the images are fairly impressive.

In other news, Priest has returned to the web, after the Summer of Hell™. While I'm naturally disappointed with the cancellation of The Crew (as well as Marvel's handling of the promotion), I'm intrigued as to what Tom Breevort has offered him as a replacement. Considering that Priest was considering quitting the industry before talking to him, it's got to be a high profile title. My current bet? The Avengers. I know that Chuck Austen is about to take over the reins on that, but he's writing half of Marvel's output at the moment (or so it seems), so it wouldn't be inconceivably for Priest to slip after a short Austen-penned arc. However, I've just noticed the title on Priest's weblog entry is "Impossible Man", which points towards Fantastic Four. Either way, it'll be a great, possibly final, test of the Priest Curse: surely even he can't get one of the original 1960s Marvel comics cancelled.

currently playing: Dexy's Midnight Runners - Manhood
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