21st Century Dentistry

Your old dentist retires and eleven months later, you go to the one he’s transferred you to. I was always fond of my old dentist. Now, I had chosen them simply because they were in my network and they were really close, but every time I went, I’d be charmed by the late 1970s/early 1980s vibe of the entire place. They did have computers and modern dentist tech, but the intercoms were chunky 1970s numbers with Eurostile typesetting, the interiors were vintage Midwestern, and they had a massive bank of active pigeon holes stuffed with patients’ details. It was an interesting time-capsule.

Contrast this with my new dentist, where everybody wears a uniform, the average age of staff skews about 30 years younger, LEED lighting and white surfaces everywhere, and “AI assisted” X-Ray scans, plus a full 3D model of your teeth built with a very rectangular wand shoved in your mouth. Very different.

But…while my previous dentist didn’t complain a lot about what was going in with my teeth, the new group has some opinions. Quite extensive opinions. Like “we’ll need to work on your mouth one quadrant a time over the next year, things are so bad” sort of opinions. I had rocked up at 12 noon, expecting a quick-ish 20 minute appointment…and I didn’t leave until 14:00. I was so hungry. But also afraid of eating anything ever again.

(the worst part is them all nodding sagely as they hear my accent, and that sinking feeling as I realize I’ve conformed to the British stereotype of terrible teeth. But I didn’t know! I’ve been going to dentists in the US since 2011 and not one has really said anything until now!!)

Anyway, trying to put all of that aside for the next nine days. The family is here, Maeryn is having a great time, work is over for the year, and we’re settling in for Christmas and the new year. Next week: probably an overview of books read this year to wrap everything1

  1. Yes, absolutely the tech blog isn’t happening, at least not in the way I originally planned…but that’s because it get subsumed into a work thing. There will be more to come in 2025! ↩︎