All The Calm Before A Possible Storm

And the post teased last week is now firmly on the back-burner, as I don’t think it’s really good enough. In addition, some news at the start of the week threw me for a spin and I haven’t really time for digging in to make it work. So, it may eventually appear, but I’ll stop teasing it.

One thing I have had time for this weekend is to sort out the Lego I have bought for Maeryn…and…well. I think I passed by the amount of Lego I had as a child a long time ago, and we’ll leave it at that, shall we? Or…every Lego city apparently needs a TGV-level train and two different types of intra-city tram link, plus two train stations. And a bed & breakfast. Oh, and an art school. It’s fine. Honest. Besides, I haven’t got a harbour yet, so how I can I even attempt to say that we have a city?? I haven’t even finished the brutalist housing section either!

Spending Saturday night down some old corners of the Internet that I used to frequent. It’s Nice That is still there, but obviously died years ago and it even seems that the old Coudal Partners site is offline, even though Field Notes is still going strong. So much of that 2000 era is totally gone now. At least ILX, albeit in a much-quieter form, is still standing.