Free The Mouse

It feels a little unbelievable, but in two weeks and one day, Mickey Mouse will enter the public domain (at least in his Steamboat Willie incarnation). For those of us that joined the internet in the late 1900s[^1], the idea that Disney wouldn’t push to extend the extension granted to copyrights in 1998 is unthinkable. Yet here we are, and both Mickey and Tigger will be able to crossover with Sherlock Holmes and Jay Gatsby in fifteen days.

The family arrives this week on their first direct flight from Heathrow to Cincinnati. It’ll be nice to have a direct link again like we did in Durham - it’s so much easier to just get on one plane at an airport that’s about twenty minutes away compared to having to fly from CVG to a major hub airport (and dealing with that on the way back, too). We shall hopefully be doing the same trip in reverse next March!

I do need to get my head in the festive game, though. It hasn’t quite hit yet this year…

[1]: Gen X/Late Millennial cohort takes 2D6 psychic damage from “the late 1990s”…