2023 And All That

Well hello there, 2023. Wait, you mean I have to go to work again next week? Starting as we mean to go on, I guess…

Anyway, you can expect more of the usual in 2023; short entries most of the time and then suddenly a long rant about architectural trends in London. I know that’s the content you all crave.

I didn’t quite get into Stable Diffusion as much as I wanted to over the holidays, but I did create a few different Dreambooth fine-tuned models on everything from Christmas toys in our house to a combination of Bagpuss/The Clangers, creating a model with a lovely Postgate feel:

Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion

Definitely more to come in 2023 as I play around with coherency and a few other things…I’d really like to be able to move around in a scene, which is somewhat hard to do right now.

Oh, if you want, you can go off and see all the books I read in 2022. I am going to try and keep a 2023 page continuously updated this year rather than scramble for ISBNs at the end of December. But maybe I won’t read that many books to make it worthwhile…