Yay! Back!

Dreamhost seem to have got their act together again. So…if you sent mail in the past 24 hours, I probably didn’t get it. Also, my Mac power supply has died; I currently don’t have access to my main mailbox, so if you’re waiting on a reply there, you might have to wait until Apple deliver a new one!

But! Tonight! Caucuses! You know I just love a good caucus. Yes, it is a lonely life, thank you very much. Reports are coming in of precincts in Nebraska and Washington breaking for Obama in rather huge numbers. Meanwhile, Huckabee takes the delegates from the GOP vote in Kansas. They really don't like McCain in the south, you know...

Also! I would like to start a fund. A fund to buy a staplegun so we can staple the camera to the ground in Torchwood. And break the zoom function that they've discovered. I do not need to get motion sickness during a conversation scene!

(and this is sadly more entertaining than all of Series 2 so far)

currently playing: