It's Mac Update Day! (sorry, Christa)

Not only have Apple released new MacBooks today, there’s a whole host of fancy new software available to run on them!

Firstly, an update to Camino, the Mac fork of Mozilla that is a big more Mac-ish than Firefox. Faster and some new features.

NetNewsWire 3.0 - I've been using this since version 1, which is a long time ago now (my five-year Mac anniversary this year!). Not quite sure about this one yet; although it's got a bunch of interesting new features (integration with Growl, Twitter, iCal, faster operation, fewer memory leaks, etc), I am, hilariously, on a tight budget this month. Perhaps later in the year.

MarsEdit 1.2! Formely part of NetNewsWire itself, the weblog editor that I use to update this site also gets a little update today! For me, it only offers bug fixes, but it offers Picasa Web integration if you're interested in that sort of thing.

And finally, the big one! The MovableType 4 beta opens today. Which will give me an excuse to upgrade, seeing as how I seem to have missed Version 3 completely. A new interface, lots of new features, and a good excuse to delays working on the new site design until it's out of beta (and GPL'd to boot!).

This has been the geekiest post of several weeks. I feel proud. To fulfil all my buzzwords, though, I installed Ruby on Rails last night…

currently playing: Vashti Bunyan – Diamond Day