The Long Lost Music Bit

I suggested that I might post some songs while I was in Chapel Hill. Naturally, that didn’t happen, being caught up in events and everything, but if you will forgive me for being a little late — two songs from the past three weeks!

(and, of course, they can be found in the usual place. Home taping is killing music, remember)

Blonde RedheadIn Particular

The new discovery of the holiday; this is Collin and Larsy's current theme song, and a fine one it is too. I'm probably guilty of overusing the word 'haunting', but this is a rather unsettling song, as Kazu Makino comes across as Asami from Takashi Miike's Audition; at any time, only five seconds away from throwing you into a sack and chopping out your tongue. And remember:

"x x!"

Saint EtienneFascination

Okay, this is cheating a little, because I didn't hear the song until today;. But! On my travels around Chapel Hill's rather excellent selection of record shops, I did come across this new greatest hits collection ('this is their first compilation'? heh, they're almost as bad as New Order for reissuing their songs), and wondered what this song was, so I think it counts. Fascination is from their as-yet-untitled new album, out sometime in 2005, and I'd say it's a throwback to the times of Good Humor. Wry electro-pop dancing in the streets of London, then.

Other songs from Chapel Hill to follow shortly (i.e. Ian decides to get down and drop some fresh cuts on yo-(At this point, we have sedated the author for his own good, as his gyrations to Snoop & the Neptunes' new song were, quite frankly, embarrassing — Ed.))

currently playing: Sleater-Kinney — A Quarter To Three