The Lone Gunman
Sep 17, 2002 · 2 minute readThe next person who sets the fire alarm off at 1am will be shot. Wal-Mart sells rifles at reasonable rates, you know.
The current argument over RSS 1.0/2.0 took a very ugly turn this morning, with Dave Winer virtually ensuring that the détente that had been building for the past two weeks is now wrecked beyond all repair. The next step seems to be that the RSS 1.0 group will change their name, and eventually become a W3C standard, thus leaving RSS 2.0 to twist in the wind. Probably not what Dave had in mind when he announced the new spec a few weeks back.
As I've mentioned, I'm not all that impressed with Transformers: Armada so far. The cartoon hasn't impressed with the first three episodes, and the toys have been a let-down as well. After the extreme poseability of the Beast Wars/Machines and RiD toys, it's a bit jarring to go back to the restricted movement that the new toys have. Even the new Optimus Prime toy isn't that great. I was prepared to skip most of the line. Then I saw some pictures of Jetfire. Oh yes. Now that's much better.
The hyper-productive Brem X Jones has the latest installment of his Hit mini-comic up at NextComics. I don't think it's as good as Hit 1, but it's definitely worth your time.
I've decided to take advantage of the insane prices of CPUs at the moment; a 1800 XP Athlon is currently heading towards Chapel Hill, along with a new fan to stop it from melting. It should help the MPEG encoding (I did some more testing today on The Daily Show - it's taking 50% of CPU time and seems to be fairly fragile, but audio/video seem to be in sync and are of good enough quality for burning to VCD) which will be starting in earnest from this Friday with the Firefly premiere.