Nolly And Letters
Feb 5, 2023 · 1 minute readNo, I didn’t really expect to spend two hours and a half hours on Friday night watching a drama mini-series about Crossroads of all things, but that’s what Russell Davies does to you. And I will admit, briefly, briefly afterwards, I thought about buying Network’s frankly insane 97-disc DVD boxset. Don’t worry, I didn’t, but I came close…
How did it get to be February?
Lettering on the comic proceeds at a quick pace, which means I probably need to start on the teeny-tiny website as well as sorting out the cover, plus the pesky question of how to fill two blank pages in order to make sure the ‘two-page’ digital comic layout doesn’t break the flow of at least one of the stories. There is something quite transformative when you see professionally-lettered captions and word balloons on comic art — for the first time, the stories all felt like proper comics and not just some odd fancy in my head. Aiming for a March 1st release — after all, it is new comics day on a Wednesday.