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Sep 18, 2022 · 1 minute readDue to a number of things that I Probably Should Not Be Talking About1, it has not been a good week. I can probably talk about the mild food poisoning I may have got on Saturday eating lunch before I realized that the fridge was 15ºC higher than it should be, but perhaps unsurprisingly, I’d rather not.
In happier news, though, we are getting solar panels! Not a huge amount, but enough to cover the back roof and apparently generate enough power for half our current energy needs. Which is nice. There’s a bunch of permits that they need to apply for, but work will likely start in November, which I guess means I’ll be catching those infamously sun-filled months of Winter as the panels go on-line. Mind you, it’s certainly gone a lot better than my quest for a new car, that’s for sure.
Next week! Something different! (actually, no, probably not, though hopefully a working fridge…)
This is a separate category from Good Things That I Am Not Yet Talking About. Keep up! ↩︎