And Alexander wept, for there were no more worlds left to conquer…
Jun 5, 2022 · 3 minute readOkay, perhaps a slight over-exaggeration, as this was an introduction to using the airbrush, but after creating my own molds, spending weeks A/B testing caramel recipes, and grinding my own chocolate from cacao beans, I’ve quite possibly come to the end of the line for completely new things to do with chocolate. Unless somebody wants to make polycarbonate kite and dart molds. Please, somebody make those molds.
I was quite apprehensive about the airbrushing, mainly because I’ve tried at least two times before and it was a complete failure. Thanks to a tax refund, I got the fancy airbrush and a recommended compressor that feels like you can also use it to power a nail gun…and suddenly it all just worked. I’d been building it up and up for a couple of months, to the extent I took a four-day weekend to give myself enough time. And then the spraying was done in about 2 minutes. It took longer to clean up.
The other thing I tried to do over the weekend was to look at cars. I’ve been thinking about retiring my long-suffering 12-year-old Honda Insight for a while now, and I’d like to go fully electric. For a variety of reasons, I’m not even going to consider a Tesla; instead, my focus has been on the Kia EV6 or the Hyundai Ioniq 5. Both of which are like gold dust at the moment, but I found a garage that had an EV6 and was eager for me to come down and check it out. So off I drove, where I got to look at a very shiny car…and they even opened the doors so I could look inside. But they weren’t willing to let me actually drive it. Or any other EV6 that comes in their doors without me agreeing terms to buy it first. Which seems odd. Oh, and also asking for $10,000 over Kia’s MSRP. Needless to say, I didn’t stay too long.
Having spent a lot of Thursday afternoon on EV forums, it seems to be a somewhat common occurrence…but how am I expected to purchase a car without having actually driven in it even once? It’s a lot of money for it to become an impulse purchase!
So no new car just yet…or likely any time soon, to be honest. Which means we are going to do the one thing I promised never to do; we are actually going to put my car through a car wash. For the first time in nine years (I’m not sure exactly why this happened, but eventually Not Washing It became a thing!). Terrible scenes. Just terrible.