IPC Subeditors Dictate Our Youth

First up - this is an amazing Humble Bundle package of British comics ranging from the 60s right up to the present day, including some of the most celebrated Dredd epics of the last few years. You might want to check it out!

I have a four day weekend! Which means I will likely feel guilty by the start of Monday for not doing half of my original (wildly over-optimistic) plans. I’ll be beating myself up all day and going into the start of work feeling like I’ve already failed. I’m not saying it’s a good system…

But! We have done some things! Tammy has made great progress on the Escape Room downstairs - we now have a new fireplace and an almost complete fake wall (with a window!). It looks like we’ll finally be running it throughout March. I also made carnitas and we played our first game of Mind MGMT, which is a great hidden movement game that doesn’t take four hours to play (looks over at Fury of Dracula). So maybe it wasn’t too bad…