Jane Asher Hauntology
Oct 17, 2021 · 2 minute readThe temperature has finally dropped! Which means it was time to drag out The Stone Tape for an October viewing1. Also, Britbox has the new 4K remaster of Brideshead Revisited up, and I tried, dear reader. But 4K doesn’t do much to liven up the dullness. So instead I watched the first three episodes of Spender instead. We’ve almost reached this glorious moment in the TOTP repeats after all.
Again, not a hugely exciting week; I’ve developed an eye infection that at a distance makes it look like I’ve been slapped about a little, but the doctor tells me it’s not much to worry about and hot compresses will sort it out (and they have been doing well). And! With the lifting of the travel ban on the horizon at the start of November, it looks like my family will hopefully be joining me here for Christmas! Which means I have about 25 desserts to plan! Three a day seems fine, right?
We’ve also set a date for our Escape Room / Murder Mystery night - not until early 2022, but it is put a date down in the ground. And of course, will require some desserts of its own (only 2! I know how to control myself! Honest!)
As the temperatures fall, our little bird has returned. But this year, they’ve been joined by another, huddling together just above the door frame on the porch as the evenings draw in. Which is a sweet thing to see last thing at night.
I was thinking about writing a “spooky list of British things to watch on Hallowe’en”. But does anybody need another person saying “Ghostwatch is great!"? Anyway, watch that, The Stone Tape, Robin Redbreast, A Photograph, and Screen Two: Do Not Disturb. ↩︎