Holding Patterns

I watched the entire RNC, sober. I think that qualifies for some sort of reward. And the reward is to watch the entire DNC! Hurrah! Political masochist right here, you see. At least next week is likely to have less fire and brimstone.

Oh, also my first dental work in the USA! Go me! And more tomorrow. You’d think I’m trying to get it all done in a short time-frame, wouldn’t you? Well—[REDACTED. Nice try — Ed.]

Meanwhile, I have a mice problem. I am acutely embarrassed by this, as I tend to veer close to the OCD side of cleanliness in the kitchen. Yet they are here, and they seem to be here in numbers. There have been ultrasonic devices, bait traps, and as of Friday, exterminators, yet they keep coming back.

It’s starting to wear me down, to be honest. I have almost zero desire to cook in that kitchen, I’m beginning to actively hate the house, and at the moment I have little to take my mind of it except the downfall of the Republic and the West.

Which might explain why I’ve spent today building time-adaptive versions of count-min sketch for Rust, Ruby, and Elixir. They’re all a touch rough at the moment, but I should have them up on GitHub in the next couple of weeks. It’s nice to be able to read a paper, think ‘oh, I could knock that up’, and actually do it the next day.

I’m hoping that the coming week will make things less uncertain. Let us hope, anyhow.