Avengers 2 - Getting Too Old For This
May 17, 2015 · 1 minute readAvengers: 2, then:
Things I liked:
- An actual rescue and evacuation of a city area where superpowers came in handy for situations other than hitting things!
- Grafting Ultron onto Stark makes a good shortcut (having to explain that, no, really, Ant-Man created in the MU made me look slightly silly)
And things that were somewhat less liked:
- Stark ruins everybody’s day and then saves the day by doing exactly the same thing (I imagine this will crop up again during Civil War, but seems somewhat lazy).
- After making such a big deal about why Pietro and Wanda really hate Stark, there’s no scene with them just having a general chat about how he supplied arms that killed their parents?
- Look! We just happened to have this big huge [REDACTED] lying around!
Also, watching the Batman vs. Superman trailer, this kept repeating in my head:
But no, Superman must be grim and gritty! Batman must have that damn exo-suit! Aren’t we just simply tired of the simple politics of Dark Knight Returns by now? Can’t we move on, like Morrison did back in 1997 in JLA?
Hn. Clark.