Snow Week
Feb 22, 2015 · 1 minute readSix days without leaving the house! Something of a record. It snowed. And it was cold. Very cold (and just to show I’m not just acclimated to North Carolina weather, it was -19˚C (-22˚C with windchill) on Thursday night. That’s cold even back home). But I had accidentally already stocked up with bread, water, and milk, so there was no reason to brave the black ice.
(I did feel a little bad during daily standup as the team in Boston talked about the hellish conditions they had to endure just to get to their cars)
And, then yesterday, possibly having gone a little crazy with remaining indoors all week, I made five different el Buili courses. Perhaps Parmesan ice-cream tastes better in Spain. And less like feet. Fried tempera potatoes, cocoa crackers with sweetcorn butter, and black sesame microwave cakes worked a little better, though.
Hoping to get back into the swing of things this week; February has ended up being a bit of a Lost Month so far.