One Down

Well, I guess the year is off to a decent start. After the usual long, cramped, and sad journey flying across the Atlantic in a plane that taunts you with fancy seat controls but no actual seat-mounted displays to actually use them on 12 I had my first celebratory dinner at Toast, and then promptly fell asleep. Well, almost. First I had to open the contents of a UPS truck that had been delivered while I was in the UK. Might have got a little trigger happy in the sales, but who knows, I may need those dress shirts for work this year…

And then, on Friday, I took my driving test. Well, I tried, but instead spent the day trying to organize insurance and watching Die Hard. Yes, again. And then Chucks. Deliciously, wonderful Chucks. Even if they did short me out of my malt vinegar aioli but still charged me for it. I just can’t hold it against them.

Having failed miserably the day before, I was quite hesitant about trying again at the DMV. Especially as the person I spoke to on Friday told me that I’d have to take the theory test again, which I wasn’t prepared for. But I went. And eventually I was called, and eventually I followed the instructor to the car, drove off down the road, turned into a housing estate, did a three-point turn, drove backwards, then drove back to the DMV and parked. It was less than ten minutes. I can now drive anywhere in the US. Be afraid.

Having done that, I started putting together Saturday evening with my partner in crime for the day, Tammy (after complaining about how she’s been supplying my sister with hints and tips for removing my appendix). The plan? Chicken and waffles. Yes, all the fun of Dame’s, without having to queue for an hour. There will be more waffles and waffle-related things in the future, don’t worry. I also had to watch the last Matt Smith episode again. I don’t care what the Internet felt about it, I loved it.

And today, on my first weekend back in America? Ironing, tea, and Where Eagles Dare. I’m now drinking Lemsip and watching an old episode of Horizon. I’m easing back into America, it seems. Or not willing to slip back completely just yet.

Anyway, one week in, and I’ve already knocked off one resolution for 2014. Go me!

  1. I felt sorry for the group sitting across from me - a group from West Virginia who were flying for the first time listening in rapture to a seasoned businessman talking about the joys of technology available on other flights. ↩︎

  2. Though I was unclear on how they got to the UK if this was their first flight. A very long cruise or a shipping container, I guess. ↩︎