101 Ways To Use A Blackcurrant *
Jul 9, 2010 · 1 minute read(* or at least five)
Did you know that blackcurrants are banned almost throughout the entire United States of America (if you've been near me at all in the past six months, you probably do, and my audience isn't all that big, but anyway, for future Googlers who get here trying to find the lyrics of You Are The Generation That Bought More Shoes And You Get What You Deserve it might be new trivia!)? The currant family was blamed at the start of the 20th century for a disease called 'white pine blister rust' and was exiled by the Federal government. In recent years, some states have begun lifting the ban (thank you, New York!), but the chances of it being lifted in North Carolina are somewhat remote at the moment. This is a bit of a problem. I am going to be moving to a place that has a Prohibition on blackcurrants. While I'm envisaging Ribena speakeasies in backalleys of Durham populated with blackcurrant-addicted flappers and supplied by British bootleggers (hello!), I'm planning on making the most of this last Summer with easy access to the currants. Which means: prepare yourself for a lot of blackcurrant recipes throughout July and August.