Sad News From Hawaii

Obama’s grandmother has died on the eve of the election.

Today is traditionally the final day of electioneering, but the McCain appears to be holding at least one rally in New Mexico tomorrow (hopefully, it'll go better than the 1,000 strong crowd in Tampa today). The Obama camp isn't resting on their laurels either, knocking on a million doors in Ohio today, where reports suggest that he may be substantially ahead in early voting. The lesson learned: mock community organisers at your peril.

And we have the polls. They're here, there, and everywhere, but they all say pretty much the same thing - there's been a touch of tightening, but Obama still leads the battleground states, and is crushing McCain in early voting.

Your guide for tomorrow: Virginia closes at 7pm EST (midnight GMT). If Obama wins there, then McCain has to take Pennsylvania in order to have a chance of holding on. Georgia closes at the same time - if takes this, then the election is going to be a landslide victory. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, and North Carolina will close between 7:30 and 8:30. Colorado, and New Mexico follow an hour later, with Nevada coming in at 10pm. I'm guessing that it'll all be over by then, hopefully in Obama's favour, but I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed for the next 36 hours...