Should We Be Worried?

The usual caveats apply: Zogby’s record isn’t great, and it’s only one poll. But last month ago, it looked as if all Obama had to do was show up in November, and now he’s on the wrong end of a five-point lead. Even worse is that people trust McCain more on the economy, despite him admitting that he knows little about the subject, and that his platform consists of continuing the last eight years of Bush’s policies. Ask Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac how that’s going. I’m just hoping that Obama’s vacation in Hawaii has more to do with this than any deeper problems in the Democrats’ campaign. It’s looking a bit too much like Kerry 2004 at the moment.

Meanwhile, next week is the beginning of convention season! Hurrah! (really, I have problems) Four years ago, I sat and watched both conventions from start to finish. Many, many problems. Today, I find myself gainfully employed, so I probably won't be able to do that this time around, but I am planning on watching the final night of the Democratic Convention. Monday at the RNC seems like a fun line-up: Bush, Cheney, and Lieberman! Together as you demanded! But perhaps not in a courtroom like you also demanded!

(seriously, guys, I think it's time you threw Lieberman out of your party. It's getting embarrassing now)