Quite A Reasonable Price, I Think!
May 6, 2007 · 1 minute readA possible mis-print, perchance? Although, you know, some days, it really feels like it’s worth that much.
This comfortably segues into Simon Sweeping The Nation reporting that Johnny Boy's eponymous album will be available to buy in shops tomorrow. If you've been around me for more than five minutes, then you know what I think about this album. If not, here's a live review, and here's a review of the album. Decide which is less over-the-top between yourselves. It has been three years since You Are The Generation That Bought More Shoes And You Get What You Deserve, but now you can actually go and buy it. Which deserves a cheer or two. And they're playing with Lucky Soul next week! It's a concert that wild horses couldn't stop me from attending, obviously…