About Last Night (and the night before)
Apr 16, 2007 · 3 minute read
Some things:
- Don't wear flip-flops to Hell. The black sludge that ends up on your feet is very disconcerting
- Some people have a very keen eye
- The temperature drops considerably during a thunderstorm
- I can never, never show my face in VisArt ever again
Firstly, I will say again that you should try and seek out
Helvetica if it's showing anywhere near you in the next few months, or try to get hold of the DVD later in the year. It proves that typographers are, in the main, somewhat crazy. I suppose if you stared at letterforms all day long, you'd go a bit nuts too.
I can also recommend Durham's Electric Blender for your thrift store clothing needs. Lalalala. Not obsessed.
My birthday started out a little quiet, as my phone somehow managed to not keep Laura's message when she left one the night before, but it was a fun afternoon of tracking down marzipan and other sundry items, for I remade the chocolate cornflake mushrooms (this time using milk chocolate so people would actually eat them). Still, though, I can never get it quite right; because I was using a small rectangular bowl to mix the cornflakes and chocolate together, I didn't quite get enough cornflakes in. Which resulted in marzipan-covered chocolate blocks. Not that people complained…apart from saying that they would get diabetes...
We also had an egg scavenger/trail hunt! This was organised by Naomi, who came dressed for the occasion in a trenchcoat and plastic coat. It was a touch windy outside, and perhaps we moaned a bit too much, as we did have a lot of fun. But I can never go into VisArt again.
And Ninja v. Robots cake from Laura, who also brought balloons and a cuddly squirrel that even right now is plotting to garrotte me when I least expect it. Presents abounded, wonderful things from Laura, Stacie, and Christa. Some of which will be making short appearances here soon, others will be used by Bonnie and me with relish!
I was mocked once again for using a knife. Silly Americans. Hehehe.
A big crowd: Mandy, Wyatt, Eric, Danny, Nikki, Heather, and Margee also present alongisde the others. Oh, and Collin! Whoops! His trumpet playing and the surge of patriotism will not be forgotten soon (when asked if I knew the words to 'God Save The Queen', I just laughed and pointed to Irish heritage ;)). A wonderful night.
Coming into the last few days. In fact, the first goodbye tonight. It all seems to disappear so fast, but there's little we can do about it…
currently playing: Low – In Silence