The Really Free Market

The Really free Market is one of those things that could only happen in Carrboro. The first Saturday in every month, people come to the town commons, bringing stuff that they no longer want and give it away to anybody who is interested. In a typical Carrboro fashion, that’s it. There’s no organisation; you just turn up and dump or browse to your heart’s content.

If there's a flaw in the idea, it's that it could use the tiniest touch of order. People turn up in dribs and drabs, which means that there's a swarm whenever somebody new arrives, everybody eager to see what's inside the latest box. Also, we'd like to voice our disapproval at people who came along scooping up CDs and books without even looking at them. Bad form

Of course, it wasn't just clothes, toys, network cards, and yes, even a Voodoo 3 SLI (how much were those ten years ago, I wonder?). You could also get a birdhouse made for you while you waited, and the the friendly neighbourhood Carrboro anarchists baked vegan cookies, made potato and celery stew, and provided a host of guides and pamphlets on topics ranging from 'What to do when the cops come' to Herbal Abortions (a priceless excerpt: "We cannot stress highly enough the need for a back-up plan"). God bless them. Although they probably wouldn't appreciate that. Viva la Revolucion! There, that's better.

It's just a shame I couldn't bring the oars home with me…

currently playing: Prefab Sprout – Appetite