The Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round

Normally, the bus ride to and from work is a rather uneventful affair. A sleepy climb up the stairs in the morning before finding an empty seat to sleep in; while on the way home, a scramble to find an available seat and a chance to catch up on reading. All is quiet.

Today, though, was slightly different. Our driver, ahead of schedule, and annoyed at several different traffic infractions by cyclists, decided to pull over in the Kidlington layby and hold court. For about ten minutes. We learnt that bus drivers really don't like being told they're late by people fiddling with their change, nor people having conversations while they're trying to find their tickets. This was greeted with somewhat nervous laughter by the bottom floor of the bus, on the grounds that he's the one driving a rather large double-decker bus, and if he wants to flip out and go all Michael-Douglas-in-Falling-Down on us, then we're not long for this world. Especially with the bridge we still had to cross.

A rather nervous ride back, then. Taken at some speed. Mind you, I had forgotten to bring a new book with me today, so I would have been bored otherwise…

currently playing: The Mighty Wah – Forget The Down