I don't know where the sunbeams end
Apr 17, 2006 · 1 minute readThe only downside about coming to Carrboro is the period a week before it’s time to leave; I wake up feeling that I actually live here, before realising that in a short time, I’ll be back in the UK.
Of course, all that means is that I have to fill the last few days with as much fun as possible. I may have also just signed up for total humiliation. Oh dear. You can spoil New Earth all you want now. My thoughts: much the same problems as last series, but still enjoyable enough, although again, I think the non-RTD stories may turn out to be the better ones. Oh, and from back home (nicked from The World of Stuart): watch a BNP spokesman get completely outclassed by a BBC News 24 reporter, as he goes from 'we're not racists!' through to 'Labour, the Tories, the Liberals, and the Church of England are all Marxists!' before finally ending up with 'well, ideally, we'd like to send every person of foreign origin back home. Erm…we're really not racists, honest.' Apparently, 1 in 4 Britons is considering voting BNP at the next local elections. Do I really have to go back?