I'm edible too. But that's called cannibalism, children
Jul 26, 2005 · 2 minute readThe problem with Charlie & The Chocolate Factory is that it’s actually a fairly boring story; Charlie finds a Golden Ticket (after a too-long process of looking for the ticket and not finding it - thankfully the film cuts out a small part of the book here), turns up to the factory, and then does very little while the rest of the children vanish. Charlie is then declared the winner and gets the factory. The only thing that holds the book and other versions together is how fun the ride is; seeing all the sights, watching the other children get their comeuppance in spectacular ways, and just how crazy Wonka can be.
So, happy to report that Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka is madder than two boxes of frogs. Lots of wonderful, trippy designs, odd Oompa-Lumpas who go metal, psychedelic, and funky at the drop of a hat, and the cotton wool room. The four of us who went to see it (Laura, Naomi, Hannah, and myself) spent most of the time giggling at the silliness. Not bad, then; a couple of annoying niggly niggles (why use 'dollars' when it's so clearly set in Britain? Why change Mike Teevee so he's actually clever now?), but fun. Oh! And includes a cameo from The Actor Kevin Eldon. Which is why I laughed when nobody else did…