Ari Fleischer Syndrome
Dec 9, 2002 · 2 minute readFrom the BBC:
Former Deputy Prime Minister Lord Heseltine says Tory MPs should defy the party's grassroots members and choose someone else to lead them in Parliament.
Otherwise, he warns in a newspaper interview, the party will not have "a ghost of a chance of winning at the next election".A Tory spokesman said Lord Heseltine had said similar things when William Hague was leader.
"We regard this as nothing new at all," the spokesman added.
Do you want to tell them, or shall I?
Most of these blog-type things are often full of links to interesting things that people have found on the Internet. For the most part, I don't do a lot of this, preferring instead to bore you rigid with tales of what I had for tea and whether the supermarket had any grapes (it didn't, in case you were wondering). Anyway, here's an interesting link (okay, it's probably not that interesting unless you like reading about Irish poets. And maybe not even then. You can see why I don't do this sort of thing more often) about the contradictory nature of Tom Paulin (linked via Bookslut (and yes, watching Paulin and Greer battle on Late Review is wonderful. Easily worth half the licence fee)).
Surprisingly, the rumour that Sony is going to be swallowing Marvel and eliminating the Marvel Universe (in favour of the new Ultimate titles) doesn't bother me like it would have done a few years ago. I like endings. Especially if they're done properly. I wonder if Neil Gaiman's 1602 project will have anything to do with all this (as it should be out some time next year). Or they could just get Priest to write all the titles for a month :-).
Grrr. There's a new Buffy episode on the 17th. And I will be over the Atlantic when it airs. CURSE YOU, UPN! DOOM UPON YOUR HOUSE! And suchlike.