Bank Holiday Monday Till I Die

(hook, all the elections)

You can call it Labor Day if you must, but this is a Bank Holiday Monday Weekend, and therefore there are rules:

  1. It must rain at some point during the weekend.
  2. You must watch some very old television (I made it through five hours of Election ‘92 before getting too tired and depressed to continue)
  3. You should have a plan on how you’re going to fill this magical additional time, and then spend at least one of the days doing nothing.
  4. TV Specials! Thankfully, due to an active VPN connection and iPlayer, I was able to fulfill this criteria by watching the Harry and Paul special and also finding the first episode of Cradle To Grave (who knew that there were so many people interested about writing life in British council estates in the early 70s? (the count is now two)).
  5. Hook must be watched, and yet again, discussions need to be had over the ickiness of the Peter/Wendy/Moira plotline, and imagining the fun therapy sessions that likely resulted afterwards.
  6. You must plan to do some gardening (mainly cutting back those bushes that just grow and grow and do not do anything useful), but end up spending all day in your pyjamas instead.
  7. Why not do some DIY? I fulfilled this one by ordering a new shower and tile. Actually doing the DIY is beyond me, so I’m importing family to do it.
  8. Plan out all the additional learning you’re going to do…did I mention the part where I stayed in pyjamas all day?
  9. Be thankful that living in America means that there’s one more holiday before Christmas. Go Thanksgiving! (also, it means re-watching Addams Family Values again!)
  10. It’s officially Christmas season. Play some Slade.